Seating arrangements in an auditorium seating layout (or assembly space) will either be identified as “multiple-aisle” or “continental.” These terms are commonly found in design standards manuals, building codes, and similar architectural reference documents. Each size is unique, with specific guidelines governing row size, row spacing, and exit ways. Basically, a multiple-aisle arrangement will have a maximum of 14-16 chairs per row with access to an aisle-way at both ends. In a continental arrangement, all seats are located in a central section. Nine rows of seating run from “A” which is closest to the stage to “I” at the back of the main auditorium. Its main features include a high-tech sound system, lavish seating arrangement, high quality mikes, vast screen, and the LCD projector. Apart from hosting all college functions it is used for conducting Placement Drives, Pre Placement Talks, Workshops, Seminars, Conferences, cultural festivals, Prize and Incentives Distribution Ceremonies, etc.

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